High Frequency Digital Radiography with console System
Radiography System

Years of Launched
Indian Sales
Overseas Sales
Department Digital Radiography System
Product High Frequency Digital Radiography with console System
Product Name RAD ROOM-X300
Model Name NMS400
Type Floor Mounted System
Rating 300/400/500 mA
Certificate Accreditation

High Frequency Conventional/Digital Radiography System

RAD ROOM-X300 is the most efficient fully digital radiography systems that equipped with digital console and wired / wire free flat panel detector. The most cost-effective solutions and the great versatility in any clinical environment.
The high frequency x-ray generator and the powerful rotating anode tube with dual focal spots ensures the confident diagnosis with the optimal quality image creation for all the general radiological purposes such as traumatological, orthopedic and medical examination centers, etc. Its X-ray tube stand which freely rotates 240° and the floating table top with the large range of longitudinal and transversal movements allows the exposures from various angles and easy and fast positioning so both patients and x-ray staffs feel comfortable.

Specifications of RAD ROOM-X300

GeneratorCapacity15 Kw32 Kw50 Kw
KV Range40-125 kV40-125 kV40-125 kV
mA Range10-300 mA10-400 mA10-800 mA
mAs Range0.1-250 mAS0.1-250 mAS0.1-250 mAS
Time Range0.001~10 Sec
Frequency40 kHz
Anatomical Programming216 APR
TubeAnode Heat Storage Capacity140 kHU300 kHU
Focal Spots1.0/2.0 mm Dual0.6m/1.2 mm
Target Angle16° rotating at High Speed12°
Max tube voltage125 kV150 kV
Floor mounted Tube standVertical Movement1480 mm
Horizontal Movement1550 mm
Transversal (telescopic) Movement±265 mm
Column Rotation360° (±180°)
X-ray Tube Rotation240° (±120°)
Floor-Ceiling mounted Tube standVertical Movement1480 mm
Horizontal Movement2400 mm
Transversal (telescopic) Movement±265 mm
Column Rotation360° (±180°)
X-ray Tube Rotation240° (±120°)
Bucky TableType4-way floating wide tabletop
Tabletop Size2000 x 800 mm (±10 %)
Horizontal Movement690 mm
Lateral Movement240 mm
Bucky Device Movement520 mm
Max. Loading200 Kg
Wall Bucky StandVertical Movement1340 mm
Power ConnectionThree phase, 415 VAC, 50/60 Hz
OptionDAP (Dose Area Product ) Meter
Three option of tube Stand
6-Way elevating Table

* 800 mAs optional (High Speed Rotor)
* Specifications are Subject to change without prior Notice

Key Features of RAD ROOM-X300

  • Powerful rotating anode x-ray to Pivot 240 degree which allows exposures from various angles
  • Anatomical Programmed Radiography (APR) for optimized image quality at low dose
  • Intuitive and user-friendly control console
  • Self-diagnostic circuit and error codes display
  • One touch buttons for fast postioning and exposure
  • Outstanding image quality for faster and more confident diagnosis
  • Ergonomic and robust design for safer and more accurate positioning
  • Dual focal spot tube for thin / large part
  • Smooth movement of tube stand and bucky devices
  • Electro-magnetic lock system for patient safety
High Performance
  • Superb image quality with high frequency xray generator
  • DR Ready – Integration ideal for both conventional and digital applications
  • Specialized mounting hardware for different digital panels is available upon request
  • DICOM / PACA connectivity as well as the independent image archiving
  • Better image quality with lower dose.
  • i-sync2. More reliable with precious xray auto sensing
  • Easy installation and easy multi-modality sharing
  • Always charging with backup cable
  • 14 x 17″ cassette-sized or any customized, wired & wireless detector
  • Long battery life and speedy data transimssion in gigabits

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Driven By Values, Delivering On A Vision.

DR -X300 is the most efficient choice applicable both for digital and analogue environments. The digital compatible and field upgradeable system offers the most cost-
effective solutions and the great versatility in any clinical environment.
The high frequency xray generator and the powerful rotating anode tube with dual focal spots ensures the confident diagnosis with the optimal quality image creation for all the general radiological purposes such as traumatological, orthopedic and medical examination centers, etc. Its Xray tube stand which freely rotates 240° and the floating table top with the larger angle of longitudinal and transversal movements allows the exposures from various angles and easy and fast positioning so both patients and xray staffs feel comfortable.


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